Spray a few touches of this scented mist around you, on your laundry or on your skin, to subtly enhance your daily life and feel good wherever you are.
It's the romanticism of the famed square, its red bricks and blossoming geranium terraces that keeps us coming back for its beauty. Place des Vosges is inspired by the fluffy petals of the Bulgarian rose with a flowery head and a sweet, velvety heart paired with mango on top of a fresh and lemony geranium base.
Place des Vosges 的靈感來自保加利亞玫瑰蓬鬆的花瓣,帶有花朵的頭和甜美、天鵝絨般的心,在新鮮的檸檬天竺葵基調上搭配芒果